Is Sri Lanka guilty of war crimes? Headlines Today TV Centre Stage Programme in India!

Dear All, Please watch this  Programme called 'Centre Stage' in one of the Indian Television networks Headlines Today TV (India Today Group) which was presented by an award winning journalist and Executive Editor Rahul Kanwal. You will appreciate how the emotions are being raised in India by the Channel 4 documentary and the rejectfulness of the Sri Lanka Military Spokesperson from Colombo. Former Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon. David Miliband and the Former Indian Foreign Minister (BJP) Jaswant Singh also feature in the show.

Dear All, Please watch this  Programme called ‘Centre Stage’ in one of the Indian Television networks Headlines Today TV (India Today Group) which was presented by an award winning journalist and Executive Editor Rahul Kanwal. You will appreciate how the emotions are being raised in India by the Channel 4 documentary and the rejectfulness of the Sri Lanka Military Spokesperson from Colombo. Former Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon. David Miliband and the Former Indian Foreign Minister (BJP) Jaswant Singh also feature in the show.

Suren Surendiran <