Global Tamil Forum tribute to Sunila Abeyasekara

– 9th September 2013 –

Global Tamil Forum tribute to Sunila Abeyasekara

On the first day of the 24th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, we have lost one of the most ardent human rights activist, Sunila Abeyasekara, in Sri Lanka. Sunila represented a unique voice from within the majority Sinhalese community. She fought repression of all forms, be it against Sinhalese, Tamils, women, Muslims and youth. She built an international solidarity network around the globe, which worked on issues of poverty, environment, labour, women’s rights, and emancipation.

“Tamils lost a rare voice of reason within Sri Lanka today. Sunila Abeyasekara fought for equality of all of the residents of Sri Lanka. She stood in solidarity with Tamils in our most trying times, and she stood for accountability and justice since the end of the war in 2009. I have lost a personal friend of 15 years. She has made this world a better place for all of us. May god bless her soul.”

Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel
Global Tamil Forum

Global Tamil Forum (GTF) was established in 2009 by a number of grass-roots Tamil groups following the end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka. It is the largest Tamil diaspora organisation with members drawn from across five continents. GTF is committed to a non-violent agenda and seeks a lasting peace in Sri Lanka based on justice, reconciliation and a negotiated political settlement.Global Tamil Forum (GTF) was established in 2009 by a number of grass-roots Tamil groups following the end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka. It is the largest Tamil diaspora organisation with members drawn from across five continents. GTF is committed to a non-violent agenda and seeks a lasting peace in Sri Lanka based on justice, reconciliation and a negotiated political settlement.

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