[TamilNet, Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 07:01 GMT] Many among more than a thousand people gathered in front of the Jaffna Public Library on Tuesday morning to personally to convey their feelings to the visiting UN Human Rights Commissioner Ms Navi Pillay, started shedding tears when they found out that Ms Pillay was taken away, through the backdoor, by the Sri Lankan officials. The crowd, who are kith and kin of the people missing in the war and the aftermath, was told by the organisers of the visit to meet in front of the Jaffna Public Library and that Ms Pillay would be witnessing them. Some of the kith and kin had even travelled from South to convey their feelings. But, after the meeting with Sri Lankan colonial governor, SL Government Agents of the districts in the North, SL-run provincial council heads of department at the Public Library hall, Ms Pillay was taken away through the backdoor. The visiting UN Human Rights Commissioner was scheduled to make a trip to witness the High Security Zone and visit civil representatives in Jaffna. But, in the last minute, the schedule has been completely changed, civil sources in Jaffna said. There were even kith and kin of Muslims gone missing in the South, among the people standing outside the Public Library to convey their message to the visiting UN Human Rights Commissioner. Ms Pillay was taken to UN office at Nalloor Road where only a selected 15 people on behalf of the missing persons, would be meeting her. Every representative would be having 3 minute to present their case, the sources said. Ms Navi Pillay is scheduled to be taken to the bungalow of the SL Governor later today for a lunch, the sources added. A section of Colombo-based NGO personalities are also involved in changing the itinerary of the visiting UN Human Rights Commissioner, informed sources told TamilNet. [ Courtesy: http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36594 ]