March 21, 2012, Ottawa, Ontario- Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the occasion of International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: “Each year, racial and ethnic discrimination take their toll around the globe by destroying lives, fracturing communities and preventing millions of people from achieving their full potential. “While Canada’s international reputation as a tolerant, free and pluralistic society is well earned, our Government recognizes how important it is to continue working closely with partners across the country to eliminate racism in all its forms. This is particularly important given our population’s growing diversity which already boasts well over 200 ethnic groups. “Our Government is committed to making sure that Canada remains a home for people of all backgrounds. By delivering on targeted training initiatives and supporting programs that promote a more cohesive society, our Government is focused on a Canada in which citizens of all races can live in fully and equally. “Canada is not only combating racism at home; our Government is also working with international organizations to promote racial equality abroad by strengthening human rights education in developing countries. “I encourage Canadians to take a moment today to reflect on the tremendous advantages that ethnic diversity confers on our great country and to take a stand against racism wherever it rears its ugly head.”