Tamil Coordinating Committee – UK: Initiate an independent international investigation in Sri Lanka

Three years have passed since the Government of Sri lanka (GoSL) announced the end of the armed conflict, but to date it has not taken any steps towards a permanent political solution for the genuine grievances of the Eelam Tamil people. Eelam Tamils have been pursuing their just struggle for freedom for more than 60 years; part of that was an armed conflict. Recent years have witnessed some of the most horrendous crimes against humanity committed by Sri Lankan armed forces against the Tamils. The suffering has only strengthened the resolve of the people for justice. To symbolise the continuation of the struggle, and to coincide with the 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, three Tamil youths from Europe (Gracian from Switzerland, and Kajan and Selvin from France) have joined together to conduct a ‘walk for justice’ from Brussels to Geneva.

 The walk will start outside European Parliament in Brussels on Sunday, 05 February 2012, and end outside the UNO in Geneva on Monday, 05 March 2012, where there will also be a welcome reception for the three youths and a large demonstration to be attended by Tamils from across Europe.

Previously, On 23rd July 2010, a Tamil youth walked for more than a month from London to Geneva. In Geneva, on the first base, he was replaced by another 3 Tamils, who continued the walk to Brussels. In a similar way many young people in Europe did peace walks and bicycle tours like “Ride for Justice”. With this kind of action the young Tamils hope to generate more understanding of other nations towards the plight of their suffering people in Sri Lanka. Also, they wanted to call attention to the human rights viola tions and the continuation of the genocide policies in Sri Lanka.

The youths urge the United Nations in particular and the international community in general to:

1. Initiate an independent international investigation into the systematic genocide of Tamils by successive Sinhala governments in the island of Sri Lanka.

2. Remove the Sinhala military from the Tamil people’s homeland, encompassing the north and east of the island of Sri Lanka, and facilitate a return to normalcy for the local population.

3. Conduct a UN sponsored referendum to determine the political aspirations of Tamils in their homeland as well as amongst the Diaspora.

4. Ensure Sri Lanka offers a general amnesty to political prisoners and releases them without delay.

5. Accept the existence of a historic homeland of the Tamil people, respect their nationhood and facilitate them to exercise their right to self-rule.

Walk For Justice Team, France

Please give your support to call upon the British Government to support the establishment of an independent, international inquiry into the credible allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Sri Lanka during the final months of the armed conflict in 2009, as recommended in the ‘Report of the UN Secretary General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka’

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