அண்மையில் தமிழகத்தில் ஓவியா பதிப்பக வெளியீடாக வெளிவந்துள்ள எனது நாவலான ‘குடிவரவாளன்’ நூலின் ஆங்கில மொழிபெயர்ப்பான ‘An Immigrant’ நாவலுக்காக முனைவர் தாரணி அவர்கள் நல்லதொரு விமர்சனமொன்றினை எழுதியிருக்கின்றார். மின்னூலாக வெளிவந்துள்ள ‘An Immigrant’ நாவலுக்கான, அந்த விமர்சனத்தினைப் ‘பதிவுகள்’ வாசகர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்துகொள்கின்றோம்.
“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested” -Sir Francis Bacon English author (1561 – 1626)

An Immigrant is a giant leap in fiction for the Canadian writer of Sri Lankan Tamil origin V.N. Giritharan. Thiis is a book to be read with utmost “diligence and attention”, as it deals with the existential crisis of a desperate soul in an alien land. The story is inspiring and lights up the spirit of every heart. Although the emphasis of this work is more on the survival struggle of a man known as Ilango, the protagonist, it bears a strong testimony to the brutal genocide of Sri Lanka, which is still infuriating to people across the world. The author V.N. Giritharan has presented in his book, his first hand experience of how the Tamil people are being victimized by the brutalities of the Sinhalese hoodlums who harrass the Tamil. It is also a unique tribute to those Tamil people who lost their lives, families, belongings, nationality and even the identity of being a human in the 1983 July riot that took place in Sri Lanka. In the first few chapters of the book, the author vividly illustrates the plight of the young man, Ilango, who is caught in the riot. In his own land, Ilango feels trapped by the racists and tries his best to escape the monsters. It is a heartrending narration of the author of the riot through the eyes of Ilango.
To the casual reader, this book will be exciting because of its straightforwardness both in the theme as well as in the style. However, it is so astonishing that the book carries multiple layers of meanings, dynamic profundity in the description of the details and critical complexity of notions. It is not just the story of Ilango who escapes the riot in 1983 to reach Canada. But, the author discusses various challenging issues like the illegal immigrant status forced on an innocent man, denial of the Human Rights in a developed country like the USA, the horrible life in the detention camp, job-seeking crisis of a man without a Social Insurance Card, the tricks of the road side vendors, like Haribabu and Henry, the exploitation of agents like Peter and Pablo, the cowardice of Anisman, the advocate, and most of all, the denunciation of the so-called illegal immigrants who live in the City of New York. The other side of the fascinating City jolts not only the protagonist, but also the readers.
Ilango is seen as a simple innocent youth of Sri Lanka in the initial chapters of the book, who, then, develops into an extraordinary man with impressive qualities even amidst of his adversities. He is a poet, pragmatist, writer, idealist, humanist and an optimist too. In a somber state of affairs in his life, he recalls his readings of the poems of Bharathiar, the renowned poet of Eelam, V.I.S.Jeyabalan and another Eelam poet ‘Kavindran’ (A.N.Kandasami). These renderings provide him with immense strength. When Ilango is not certain about the resolution of the unbalanced predicaments of his life, he gets himself transformed to a philosopher. He considers his life like a tree log that swims along the current of water. Ilango’s positive approach to life is another trait that needs to be appreciated, which is very rare in most human beings.
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